→ Artificial Intelligence
→crisis communication
→ geopolitical risk
→ ESG principles
❝ The AI breakpoint will define winners and losers in 2025, as exponential advances leave those unprepared at a stark disadvantage.
Eric has made significant policy contributions and has been instrumental in U.S. diplomatic relations, particularly through his role with the Kuomintang (KMT). His fellowships at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Fudan University have enhanced his advisory capabilities, making him a key resource in navigating Asian politics, addressing global climate challenges, and managing security concerns related to emerging technologies.
🎓 MBA, Sloan Fellow, MIT Sloan School of Management
🎓 MPA, Mason Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School
🎓 MIPP, Johns Hopkins SAIS
🎓 BA, University of Virginia
Eric Huang's in-depth analyses on U.S.-Taiwan and cross-strait relations are frequently quoted in the media, including Time, The Economist, BBC, and Bloomberg. He is often invited to speak at prominent forums, providing invaluable insights for strategic communication initiatives.
Eric provides advice for a boutique multi-family office in Taiwan, and manages the firm's US hedge fund. He has extensive experience in Washington D.C., where he worked to advance Taiwan's cause and educate policymakers and the public. His fellowships at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Fudan University have further enhanced his advisory capabilities. Eric is also a former educator at the University of International Relations in Taiwan and Tamkang University and serves as a TV commentator. His colleagues would say he excels at generating new ideas, finding resources, branding, and maintaining key relationships.
Eric holds a BA from the University of Virginia and an MIPP from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He furthered his education with an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School. Currently, he is enrolled in the MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program, where he was awarded the Dean's Fellowship.
At MIT, Eric is also working on a data commercial management startup. He is actively exploring the implications of AI advancements on financial hedge funds. His expertise in policy, storytelling, and narrative development has also helped numerous students achieve their dreams of studying abroad.
On econVue
🎧 Appeared on The Hale Report™